The Foundation distributes two bursaries of $ 32 500, along two main modes of production in a two-stage process. Phase 1 of the call is now closed. Selected candidates for phase 2 will be advised by the end of June.

Artistic practice

This mode seeks art projects that respond to one or several of the Foundation’s areas of interest. It focuses on practices based on research and intellectual rigor. All mediums are eligible, including ones that crossover, as well as ones that are text based. The project may be by an artist or a collective. It may be a single production, a cycle of works, although in the latter case it must be a major part of the cycle. Support is not given to finish a project that is in its final phase.


This mode seeks discursive projects that propose critical and exploratory reflection on one or several of the Foundation’s areas of interest. Practices in art criticism, theory, history of art, archival research, as well as ones that crossover are welcome. Projects may take the form of an essay, experimental writing, a study session, a conference or symposium, a curatorial or pedagogical program. The project may be proposed by an individual thinker / researcher or a collective. It may be a single production, a cycle of works, although in the latter case it must be a major and defined part of the cycle.


In each case, the result must be made public, in part or in whole, no later than 18 months after the grant has been awarded. It is the recipient’s responsibility to determine the method of public presentation and oversee its realisation. Once the funds have been distributed, the Foundation may require confirmation of the intended dissemination method and, if applicable, the involvement of a dissemination partner.

The proposals supported by the Foundation are followed on the Foundation’s website, in close collaboration with the recipient and in a method that is suitable to each project, as a way to introduce the public to each artist and/or researcher/thinker’s unique reflection and creative process. The website can also be the site and medium of dissemination of the project. 


Applicants must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents.

A non-profit organization can submit a project in one of the two categories for a specific project for which the author(s) are not employees of the organization.

Support is not given towards operational ends.

Projects that receive or will receive significant university-based research funds are not eligible.


First, an advisory committee, including representatives of the Foundation, will evaluate the submitted proposals and determine a short list of pre-selected candidates. Second, the pre-selected candidates will be asked to submit a more detailed proposal that the same advisory committee will evaluate to determine the final recipients.


The process has two phases, the first focuses on the concept and the second on a complete methodology, budget and the production timeline.

Submission address:

Step one

Interested candidates must submit the following information in a single PDF. Applications can be submitted in English or in French to at the latest on May 10th, at midnight. Clearly indicate in the object section of your email and on page one, at the top right side, which category interests you, either ART or DISCOURSE.

  • Complete address, including email, telephone number, and mailing address;
  • CV, including a paragraph that clearly describes the nature of your practice and your relevant professional experience;
  • Description of the concept and/or research (between 1000 and 1500 words max);*
  • Contextualization of the concept and / or research within the field in which it is related (500 words max);
  • Discourse axis only: a bibliography of existing literature on the subject;
  • Examples of previous work (in digital format) whether images, videos or relevant texts.

Step two

Next by invitation only, pre-selected candidates will submit the following information:

  • Methodology for the development of the project;*
  • Budget;**
  • Production schedule;
  • Commitment and role of partners, if applicable.

*A methodology is a how one proceeds in the elaboration of a research project: the particular ways and know-how that will be employed in the process. It is not a production schedule. **The project can benefit from other sources of funding, but individually, these cannot exceed the amount awarded by the Foundation. Further information concerning eligible expenses will be communicated to the preselected candidates.

SELECTION criteria

Phase 1

  • Relevance of the project and research to the field to which it is related and with the Foundation’s areas of interest.
  • The exploratory and critical character of the form and content of the proposal

Phase 2

  • Coherence of the proposed methodology
  • Coherence of budget
  • Feasibility of the project
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