Production of discourse

This axis supports discursive projects associated with contemporary art that propose critical and exploratory research in the areas of art history, criticism and the exhibition (either its history or curating). Discourse is understood to be an original contribution to the field. As such the Foundation seeks proposals that focus on topics (a topic can be an artist) that are understudied or ignored, hard to categorize or that are reconsidered from a contemporary perspective. They can also investigate the current conditions of artistic practice and its dissemination or reflect upon its own conditions of enunciation. The call is directed at art historians, critics and curators who have professional experience without that practice being necessarily exclusive. Support is intended for research and development aiming at a result that may be an in-depth essay, an exhibition concept accompanied by the writing of in-depth essay, a or a cycle of conference (s), or an important cycle of public programs.


The research that is the object of the support must be realized within 12 to 18 months after the starting date of the project. The recipient will determine the ulterior mode of public presentation or dissemination (among others a publishing platform, public lectures, an exhibition or an event).

The Foundation will follow on its website the evolution of the research project. The recipient in collaboration with the director of the Foundation will determine the form that will take these periodic follow-ups. The Foundation wishes to share with the public the tenor of the project as well as the process of conceptualizing and structuring used by the researcher – art historian, critic or curator. 


Applicants making a proposal must have a relevant professional experience as an art historian, critic or curator.

The applicants can be affiliated with an organization, but the project must be their initiative and the research their entire responsibility and intellectual property.

Doctoral research projects or those that receive significant university-based research funds are not eligible.

Applicants must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents.


First, an advisory committee, including the director of the Foundation, will evaluate the submitted proposals and determine a list of pre-selected candidates. Second, the pre-selected candidates will be asked to submit a more detailed proposal that the same advisory committee will evaluate to determine the final recipient.


The process has two phases, the first focuses on the subject, its origin and the planned contribution of the research. The second focuses on the chosen methodology, the budget and the production timeline.

Submission address:

Phase one

Interested candidates must submit the following information in a single PDF. Applications can be submitted in English or in French to at the latest on 21 March at midnight. Clearly indicate in the object section of your email and on page one, at the top right side the axis DISCOURSE.

  • Complete address, including email, telephone number, and mailing address.
  • CV, including a paragraph that clearly describes your relevant professional experience;
  • Presentation of the subject of research including the origin of your interest in the topic and its link to contemporary art (between 1000 to 1500 words max);
  • Contextualization of the research within its related field (historical precedents, contribution to the field, 800 to 1000 words max);
  • A bibliography of existing literature on the subject;
  • Applicant documentation (in digital format) relevant to the proposal.

Phase two

Next by invitation only, pre-selected candidates will submit the following information:

  • Methodology for the development and the realization of the research;*
  • Budget (real costs of research); **
  • Production schedule;
  • Ulterior states if formalized.

*A methodology is a how one proceeds in the elaboration of a research project: the particular ways and know-how that will be employed in the process. It is not a production schedule.
** Further information concerning eligible expenses will be communicated to the preselected candidates.

SELECTION criteria

Phase 1

  • Relevance of the research in relation to the Foundation’s areas of interest;
  • Its contribution to the field in question;
  • The exploratory and critical character of the proposal.

Phase 2

  • Coherence of the proposed methodology;
  • Coherence of the budget;
  • Feasibility of the project and of its production schedule.
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